1. Privacy is important.
We recognize that privacy of personal information is important. Any personal information you provide to us will be used for business purposes only. We will treat your personal information as private unless legally obliged to do otherwise. If you have a particular concern or query about your personal information in our records, contact us. You are welcome to email or call us in Melbourne, Australia, +61 03 8592 4755.
2. Obtaining personal information.
The nature of our business means it’s necessary to obtain personal information to complete a purchase (at least your name and address, your credit card or Paypal details). We will not be unduly intrusive and we won’t obtain or use information in an inappropriate manner.
3. Your access and control.
In accordance with good privacy practice, you can access your personal information held by us to correct misinformation. You may, at any time, contact us to change or add or delete information relevant to your enquiry.
4. Cookies
“Cookies” are small files placed on your hard drive that assist in providing customised services. The cookies used on the Carnegie Dog Groomers’ site are used solely to identify your shopping session with no third party referrals or advertising. We do not share any customer information with any third parties and information you provide is used for your purchase only. When you return to our site, your details will be displayed in the shipping section to provide you with a speedy checkout.
5. External Links
Our website contains links to third party or external sites which are not directly related to Carnegie Dog Groomers. We seek to confine links to sites reputable and relevant in our industry. Please be aware that Carnegie Dog Groomers does not monitor and is in no way responsible for the content or privacy practices of any such third party sites.